I had the auto-update for raspbmc turned off so I decided to update. The UI performs much better with this version. I did have some more remote issues. The “back” button and “i/more” button on the remote didn’t work anymore.
The fix was to update the XML files related to the remote.
First .xbmc/userdata/Lircmap.xml
<lircmap> <remote device="devinput"> <back>KEY_ESC</back> <info>KEY_COMPOSE</info> <star>KEY_SUBTITLE</star> <play>KEY_PLAYPAUSE</play> </remote> </lircmap>
And then .xbmc/userdata/keymaps/keyboard.xml
<keymap> <global> <remote> <star>contextmenu</star> </remote> </global> </keymap>
This maps:
- left arrow/back to back
- i/more to info
- asterisk to the context menu
- play/pause works as expected